Thursday, November 29, 2018

November Skies and Sunsets

I always find that once the year has turned and November is upon us again that the skies and sunsets viewed from Crosby beach become more interesting and spectacular again. At this time of year the sun sets behind the Welsh hills, throwing the mountains of Snowdonia into sharp relief if the air is clear.

These images were taken mid November on a very clear day just after sunset. The clouds in the sky reflected the light of the sun once it had sunk below the horizon and once again the iron men provide a perfect foreground for the interesting skies and dramatic cloud shapes.

Changing lenses to concentrate on the sky above the Welsh Hills produced the images below where the sky appears to be aflame with glowing light from the sun now long gone below the horizon.

I love this time of day when the beach is quiet, the air cool but calm and the silence only broken by the lapping of the waves breaking against the shore and the haunting call of a lone gull.

Two weeks later and I capture the images below just as the sun sets behind Moel Siabod in Snowdonia.

Again it is the clouds reflecting the light that make these images more interesting.

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