C175-13 The Red Arrows pass over the Queen Victoria, Queen Mary 2 and Queen Elizabeth |
This past weekend was a hectic one with Cunard's Queen Mary 2, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria gathering in the River Mersey to salute the 175th Anniversary of the Cunard Line in front of the Cunard Building on the Liverpool Waterfront. A highlight of the event was when the Red Arrows flew over the line up of the three Queens in front Liverpool's Three Graces.
The celebrations started early on Sunday morning when the Queen Mary 2 slipped into Liverpool on a damp grey morning, sailing past the Iron Men on Crosby beach at 06.30 am.
C175-01 The Queen Mary 2 approaches Crosby beach, her foghorn greeting startles the sea birds. |
C175-02 A salute from the Iron Men on a grey, damp morning. |
C175-25 Later in the day the weather improved and the Liverpool Waterfront looked splendid when graced with the presence of the Queen Mary 2 |
C175-27 The Mersey Ferries "Dazzle Ship" is dwarfed by a Queen. |
C175-29 Mersey Ferries salute the Queen Mary 2. |
C175-33 Queen Mary 2 and the Liverpool waterfront |
C175-34 Queen Mary 2 in Liverpool |
C175-03 Queen Mary 2 sails out of the Mersey on Monday morning to meet up with the Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria |
The next morning, Monday 25th May started off grey and cool as the Queen Mary 2 slipped her moorings and headed out of the river to meet up with the Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria off Crosby beach
C175-04 Queen Mary 2 turns and positions herself for the parade. |
C175-05 The Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria approach Crosby beach |
C175-06 Queen Elizabeth sails past the Iron Men on Crosby beach |
C175-07 Queen Victoria passing Crosby beach |
C175-08 The Three Queens start to move into position |
C175-09 The Three Queens prepare for their parade down river |
C175-14 Queen Victoria, Queen Mary 2 and Queen Elizabeth in Liverpool |
C175-15 The Three Queens and The Three Graces, Liverpool |
C175-16 Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth on the Mersey. |
C175-18 Cunard's Queen Victoria anchors mid river. |
C175-20 Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria grace the Liverpool Waterfront. |
C175-22 Queen Elizabeth and the Liverpool Waterfront |
C175-23 A Mersey Ferry alongside the Queen Victoria |
C175-35 The Queen Victoria noses out into the Mersey |
C175-36 Queen Victoria passing Crosby beach |
C175-37 An Iron Man bids farewell to the Queen Victoria |
C175-38 Farewell to The Queens. Queen Victoria sails into the sunset. |
All images on this blog will be available from www.rondaviesphoto.com and Liverpool Pictures, Albert Dock, Liverpool.
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